1: Resuscitation
1. Adult Basic Life Support (BLS)
2. Adult Advanced Life Support (ALS)
3. Foreign body aspiration with an acute upper airway obstruction
4. Airway management and oxygenation during ALS
5. Pharmacotherapy during ALS
6. Equipment used in ALS
7. Basic rules for beginning and ending of CPR
8. CPR in specific situations – 4H, 4T
9. BLS and ALS in neonates
10. BLS and ALS in children
11. Life threatening arrhythmias
12. Electroimpulsotherapy during CPR
13. Acute coronary syndromes
14. Care after the successful CPR
15. Mass disaster, medicine of catastrophes
2: Aneasthesiology and perioperative medicine
1. Pharmacology of drugs for intravenous anaesthesia – hypnotics, benzodiazepines and opioids
2. Pharmacology of drugs for intravenous anaesthesia – volatile
anaesthetics, nitrous oxide, muscle relaxants and their antidotes
3. Airway management during anaesthesia
4. Difficult airway management algorithms
5. Neuroaxial regional anaesthesia
6. Regional anaesthesia of nerves, plexi, topical and infiltrative anaesthesia
7. Preoperative care before a general anaesthesia, premedication
8. Monitoring during anaesthesia and postoperative care
9. Anaesthesia in an emergency case, regurgitation, aspiration
10. Intravenous access in anaesthesia and intensive care
11. Short-term and long-term venous access
12. Anaesthesia in children
13. Hypotension and hypertension during anaesthesia
14. Anaphylaxis, malignant hyperthermia and similar complications
15. Basic rules of postanaesthetic care
16. Postoperative delirium, cognitive dysfunction
17. Fluid management during anaesthesia
18. Blood loses and their management, life threatening bleeding
19. Acute pain management
20. Chronic pain management
3: Emergency and intensive medicine
1. Shock
2. SIRS, sepsis
3. Basics of an artificial ventilation
5. Acute and chronic renal failure
6. Hepatic failure
7. Consciousness disorders, unconsciousness
8. Craniocerebral trauma
9. Polytrauma
10. Intoxication
11. Nosocomial infection, antibiotic therapy in intensive care
12. Monitoring during intensive care
13. Drowning, thermic injury, frost injury, and electric current injury
14. Burn trauma
15. Acute pulmonary embolization
16. Acute heart failure
17. Diagnosis and treatment of arrhythmias
18. Heart trauma, cardiac tamponade, thorax injury and pneumothorax
19. Acute aortic syndromes
20. Acute abdominal syndrome – differential diagnostics and therapy
21. Sudden delivery and other acute situations in obstetrics and gynaecology
22. Stroke
23. Seizures
24. Brain death and ICU care adequacy
25. Acute respiratory insufficiency in children